Communicate your ESG success stories clearly

The rise of ESG in the post-pandemic era has been nothing short of spectacular. However, this, coupled with the spike in organisations seeking B Corp accreditation, has seen the term ‘greenwashing’ become the buzzword of the day. It is a problem.

You might be interested in our unique research findings:

‘Greenwashing’ references in the media rise 50% in six months
Click to read results.

Whether intentional or not, any accusation of greenwashing made against an organisation presents a serious threat. Not just from a reputation perspective, but also in terms of brand value, customer trust, and bottom line sales.

Thankfully, whilst the media is awash with stories of brands and buisnesses caught out for exaggerating their sustainability and social impact credentials, these protagonists are very much in the minority. But their actions have led many to hold back on sharing their great ESG stories.

That’s where we come in. We take your stories and develop an ESG communications strategy that communicates your message in a way that ensures the light shines on your organisation for all the right reasons. And in doing so, strengthens your reputation.

As a B Corp, ESG comms is core to all we do as a business. We ‘get’ it and we can support you with:
  • Messaging creation and positioning
  • ESG communications
  • ESG media outreach
  • Executive profiling
  • Sustainability and social impact thought leadership
  • ESG roadmap aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Media training
  • Anti-greenwashing guidance

Get started with an ESG comms strategy that is clearly understood. Use the Contact form and we’ll come back to you within 12 hours.